Legal, Ethical and Societal Issues

week 5

This module is about the legal and ethical issues to keep in mind when using social media and thus ensure your research profile is raised for all the right reasons, not the wrong ones. The key is to remember that all the laws, policies and social rules that apply in real life also apply on the internet.The material on the internet is protected by copyright. You have no legal right to copy other people’s work or make it public on the internet. Use the same rules you would when writing a research paper to determine when you should ask permission to include other people’s work in your blog, web page, Facebook page or any other service you use to post content online.

Print Media, Broadcast Media and New Media

week 3

In this week we dicuss about print media,broadcast media and new media to help on how to use proper and how to manage use media . This our lesson I learned, New media are often contrasted to “old media“, such as television, radio, and print media, although scholars in communication and media studies have criticized inflexible distinctions based on oldness and novelty. New media does not include analog broadcast television,program, features,films, magazines, or books – unless they contain technologies that enable digital generative or interactive processes. Print media is one of the oldest and basic forms of communication. It includes newspapers, weeklies, magazines, monthlies, banners & graphics, posters and other forms of printed material. The contribution of print media in providing information and transfer of knowledge is remarkable. and lastly the
Broadcast media describes the traditional forms of media that include television and radio. Technically, the term ‘broadcast media‘ can include the internet as well and even such things as Bluetooth marketing and other forms of location-based transmissions. and I thank you

Print Media, Broadcast Media and New Media

Week 3
New media are often contrasted to “old media“, such as television, radio, and print media, although scholars in communication and media studies have criticized inflexible distinctions based on oldness and novelty. New media does not include analog broadcast television, programs, features,films, magazines, or books -unless they contain technologies that enable digital generative or interactive processes.

Current and future

Nowadays, people create new things out of their ideas and creative mind knowing that it will be popular and it will make a trend. Especially in today’s generation, a simple invention will lead to a bigger and popular one thanks to social media and technology, we can’t stop the trends because it will be widely spread on the internet.

In this topic we have the Contextual Awareness that combining hands sensor information such as where you are and the conditions around you. Third is the Vioce in Tone Recognition powered systems are primarily designed to recognize the voice of the person speaking. Before being able to recognize the voice of the speaker, voice recognition techniques require some training in which the underlying system will learn the voice , accent and tone of the speaker. Lastly Eye Tracking Techonoly An eye tracker is a device for measuring eye positions and eye movement. Eye trackers are used in research on the visual system, in psychology, in psycholinguistics, marketing, as an input device for human-computer interaction, and in product design.

Media and Information Languages Genre

Week 4

For the 4th week of our lesson on Media and Information Literacy our teacher dicuss about the Media Information Languages Genre, Codes and Conventions that language may be a source of misunderstanding according to Mr. Marcial Mcluhan of the year 1964 language pertains to the technical and simbolic ingredients. In our topic there have a types of codes, First is the Technical codes, second is the Written Codes and last is the Symbolic Codes that shows what is beneath the surface the messages that mark on my mind. From our topic on this week is the information sent from a source to a reciever.

Media and information literacy curriculum

Week 1.

In the first week of the lesson in Media and Information Literacy Curriculum, our teacher discuss about media and information literacy, The course introduce us to basic understand of medua and information as channels of comminication and tools for the development od individuals and societies. Afterbthe discussion, we have a recitation Maam Simple called my name and I will pick news literacy and I will recite this in our class. Our subject in MIL is fun because it is have a games like the wordles that the words of groups and they have a scrumbled letter that we need to guess,and ita so fun and ofcourse the subject MIL is Media and Information Literacy who help us to know how our generation became one of top and one is able to use current ams pass information and media literacy with intelligence.